Here we assemble sources of insight, connection and inspiration referenced in the foprop wikis: some writers and some organisations.
Forces of production, relations of production
# Writers Murray Bookchin xxx to be added Cynhtia Cockburn xxx to be added Ewan Clayton xxx to be added Cook & Brown 1999 *The generative dance of knowing* - xxx to be added Abdullah Öcalan xxx to be added Thomas Picketty xxx to be added Kate Raworth xxx to be added Hegeland 2020 - *The future of text* - to be added xxx
Christopher Alexander was Professor of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, best known for his seminal works on architecture including *A Pattern Language*, *Notes on the Synthesis of Form*, and *The Nature of Order,* Volumes I-IV.
David Bollier is an author, blogger and consultant on the commons as a new paradigm of economics, politics and culture. Co-founded the Commons Strategies Group in 2010.
David Bollier & Silke Helfrich collaborated in a very rich, decade-long programme of investigation in the commons as a paradigm of economy, politics and culture. They co-produced a number of key works between 2012 and 2019, including *Free, fair and alive - The insurgent power of the commons*.
Arturo Escobar is an activist-researcher from Cali, Colombia, working on territorial struggles against extractivism, postdevelopmentalist and post-capitalist transitions, and ontological design.
JK Gibson-Graham is a nom de plume of Julie Graham and Katherine Gibson, action researchers in alternative economy. Their landmark first book *The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It)* was first published in 1996, second edition 2006.
Mike Hales is a culture hacker (aka organiser), designer-maker, anthropologist, organic intellectual, dhamma practitioner: theory-of-practice geek . . I'm from Venus, what is it you do round here? aka barefoot doc.
David Harvey is a geographer with particular concerns in global uneven development, social justice and practices of reistance to forces of capitalist exploitation and damage.
Paul Hawken is a grren activist, civil society activist, author and entrepreneur.
Silke Helfrich was a German author and independent activist of the commons. She co-founded the Commons Strategies Group in 2010. Earlier she was a director of the Heinrich Boell Foundation regional offices of Central America, Mexico, and Cuba.
In the 70s, his *Deschooling society* and *Tools for conviviality* brought me to a participant awareness of radical professionalism, as a historical movement of baby-boomers. His commitment to restored (re-invented) vernacular capability has been a keystone of practice for me since then.
Robin Murray was a radical development economist, social entrepreneur, cooperator, pioneer in Fairtrade and early investigator of 'green' economics such as an economics of waste.
Jessica Gordon Nembhard is a political economist and Associate Professor of Community Justice and Social Economic Development in the Africana Studies Department at John Jay College, City University of NY; and author of *Collective Courage: A History of African American Cooperative Economic Thought and Practice*.
Sheila Rowbotham, Lyn Segal and Hilary Wainwright were involved organising a conference, eventually a book: Beyond the fragments - Feminism and the making of socialism (1979). A revised edition appeared in 2013.
Raymond Williams was a Welsh scholar, socialist, Marxist, author and organic-intellectual theorist of cultural production, significant in the New Left in Britain from the late 50s onwards.
River Wolton is a feminist activist for peace and a teacher of Buddhist dhamma.
Stephen Yeo (2017). 'The three socialisms' in *A useable past Vol 2: The religion of socilaism - Alternatives to State socialism*. Brighton: Edward Everett Root, pp30-103.
# Organisations, platforms, formations Bellingcat - xxx to be added DisCOs - Disributed Cooperative Organisations xxx to be added Framasoft xxx to be added Lives in STS [cloud]( xxx to be added Lucas Aerospace shop stewards - to be added xxx May Day manifesto xxx to be added May First Movement Technology xxx to be added Oksnøen symposium xxx to be added Rojava & jinealoji xxx to be added Summer of protocols xxx to be added Work practice & technology @ PARC xxx to be added Zapatistas xxx to be added
Our movements for freedom thrive when we share and develop knowledge together, whether that’s from study or honoring what we have observed and experienced ourselves. We learn from what we have in common, and we learn just as much from our differences. This project is meant to support all of us in learning rooted in practice, no matter how new or how experienced, in the craft of building solidarity economy movements.
> To be added xxx