JK Gibson-Graham

JK Gibson-Graham is a nom de plume of Julie Graham and Katherine Gibson, action researchers in alternative economy. Their landmark first book *The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It)* was first published in 1996, second edition 2006.

> Their landmark first book *The End of Capitalism (As We Knew It)* was first published in 1996, followed by *A Postcapitalist Politics* in 2006. The two scholars also founded The Community Economies Research Network (CERN) and the Community Economies Collective (CEC), "international collaborative networks of researchers who share an interest in theorizing, discussing, representing and ultimately enacting new visions of economy."

> Julie Graham died on April 4, 2010. Since then, Gibson has published some texts under their joint pen name — for instance, as co-editor of *The Handbook of Diverse Economies* (Gibson-Graham and Dombroski 2020). [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._K._Gibson-Graham) nov 2023

J. K. Gibson-Graham (2006) *The end of capitalism (as we knew it) - A Feminist Critique of Political Economy*, with a new introduction, 2nd edition, First University of Minnesota Press. > 2006 preface has helpful commentary on politics of categories (aka theorising), relations between academics and other activists, resistances to 'alternative' economy, critique that serves to reinforce the 'omnipotence' of capital, etc. [pdf](https://share.mayfirst.org/s/fpWoex9zNf3o7Hb)